Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Quietus | Film | Film Reviews | People Like Us: Some People ...

John Eldridge died of tuberculosis in 1962 just a few weeks? shy of his 45th birthday. For much of his life he?d been involved in the British film industry and yet, today, his name would barely register with even the most fervent of cinemagoers. He started out as an assistant editor whilst still in his early 20s and first made an impact directing propaganda films during World War II, oftentimes in collaboration with the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas. During peacetime he continued to ply his trade in documentaries ? to greatest effect on the Edinburgh ?city symphony? Waverley Steps ? whilst slowly shifting into features. As director he helmed a trio of likeable Ealing-esque comedies (Brandy for the Parson, Laxdale Hall and Conflict of Wings), but was arguably doing the more interesting work as a screenwriter. He penned the spiv noir of Pool of London, a bunch of charming little ventures for the Children?s Film Foundation and the fondly-remembered Peter Sellers flick The Smallest Show on Earth. His final assignment was among his finest and still ranks as one of the more nuanced portraits of youth to be produced in this country: 1962?s Some People.

The film came from fairly inauspicious beginnings. Its producer, James Archibald, worked almost exclusively in the documentary field (Some People would represent his sole excursion into straight fiction) and throughout his career would put together promotional items for the Duke of Edinburgh?s Award Scheme. These unassuming miniatures cropped up intermittently throughout the sixties and seventies and were generally well-meaning, occasionally dramatized affairs with titles like In Search of Opportunity and When You?re Young. None of them are particularly notable nowadays (though a very young Jane Asher appeared in one, 1960?s Design for Living), but then none of them had the ambition of Some People. You see, the 1962 feature was also intended to promote the scheme ? which, for those in the dark, sets out to help Britain?s youth by improving their employability, life experiences and physical fitness ? though Eldridge used it as a mere jumping-off point. In his hands Some People is a snapshot of a very particular era first, promotional tool second.

British cinema during the early 60s was going through a transitional phase thanks to the input and influence of the ?Free Cinema? movement and the theatre?s ?Angry Young Men?. Whereas representations of youth in 1952 could be summed up by the scaremongering juvenile delinquent pic Cosh Boy (the first homegrown ?X?-certificate movie), by 1962 more sympathetic portraits had begun to emerge. This was the time of Tom Courtenay?s Borstal boy in The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner and Rita Tushingham?s pregnant teen in A Taste of Honey, characters who have since become figureheads of the British New Wave. The production company behind Some People, Vic Films, was heavily involved in this period, funding John Schlesinger?s A Kind of Loving and Billy Liar among others, and that seems to have had an effect. The cast is made up of mostly unknowns, the juvenile delinquents at its centre are treated with sensitivity and the entire production was filmed on location, in this case in a Bristol complete with authentic regional accents.

To be fair, the trio of lads who make up Some People?s main characters aren?t really delinquents. They?re at an age where they chain smoke but have yet to take a real interest in booze. Their passion is for their motorbikes, though that particular pleasure is denied them following a bit of tom-foolery under the Clifton Suspension Bridge. (Just one of the many refreshing location choices at a time when the British film industry was split almost solely between London and grim portrayals of the North.) Thus the boredom sets in, and the petty behaviour, or at least until Kenneth More?s benign cardiganned choirmaster offers them a potential outlet: the use of the church hall as a place where they can bang out a few tunes, one of them being more than proficient on the piano and all three owning guitars. Such a description potentially gives the whiff of some ?let?s put on a show? musical (especially with the presence of kindly Kenneth More), but this couldn?t be further from the truth. The gang aren?t working towards putting on a gig or cutting a single; they?re just hanging out and killing a bit of time. Indeed, Some People is at its best when it simply hangs out with them: a single-take stroll around a shopping centre than sounds entirely ad-libbed; a quiet chat down the pub between father and son.

Had the film been made two years later it would likely have been very different. Some People pre-dates Beatlemania and A Hard Day?s Night and therefore comes from a time when the British pop movie was of a quainter, quieter variety. Whereas the US instigated the trend with Rock Around the Clock in 1956, our first foray into big screen rock ?n? roll came with The Tommy Steele Story the following year. Shortly afterwards we had the likes of Rock You Sinners, The Golden Disc and a spin-off movie from the BBC?s The 6.5 Special, but if you had a few hits under your belt and were hoping to make the transition into cinemas then you tended to get lightweight comedy musicals. Adam Faith, for example, made What a Whopper, a farcical Loch Ness Monster tale co-starring Sid James and Spike Milligan. Billy Fury and Helen Shapiro, meanwhile, acted for a very young Michael Winner in Play It Cool. The energy and invention that typified A Hard Day?s Night simply didn?t seem like a possibility.

Of course, the music was much quainter too. The kids in Some People seem to be channelling The Shadows more than the most, right down to the fancy footwork. (The title song, incidentally, would be covered by former Shadow Jet Harris shortly after the film?s release.) In reality it was Bristol-based band the Eagles providing the tunes with the help of Valerie Mountain on vocals, another Bristolian thus adding to that authenticity. She?s lip-synched by Angela Douglas, though the rest of the onscreen band had musical credentials. Lead actor Ray Brooks, who plays Johnnie, learned to play guitar whilst a teenage redcoat at Butlins and was very almost signed by Andrew Loog Oldham. Drummer Frankie Dymon Jr, who would later venture into political activism, later recorded a Black Power-influenced album entitled Let It Out: Poems In Words And Music. (The character?s ethnicity is pleasingly uncommented on throughout.) And David Hemmings, playing Bert, had first found fame as a child opera star for Benjamin Britten. He would also make an LP with the Byrds in 1967 by the name of David Hemmings Happens. By that point he was one of the decade?s fully-fledged stars thanks to his appearance in Michelangelo Antonioni?s Blowup. In fact, seeing the baby-faced Hemmings in Some People only goes to show how far off this all was. As said, the film comes from a different era ? it feels as though it?s on the cusp of something and that makes for fascinating viewing.

In his autobiography, Learning My Lines, Brooks recalls a Sunday morning listening to Radio 2 during which time Some People?s title tune is played. Brian Matthew, host of Sounds Of The Sixties, talks about the song, the film, Valerie Mountain and the Eagles, and David Hemmings. But he doesn?t mention Brooks and this appears to sting a little: ?What about me? I screamed in my head. But no ? airbrushed out, unrecognisable, not worth mentioning, ego sunk.? To be fair to the actor it?s not as though Some People was his only major role. He subsequently appeared in Ken Loach?s Cathy Come Home, did plenty of television including a two-year stint on EastEnders, and was the narrator of children?s favourites Mr Benn and King Rollo. Perhaps not Hemmings-alike stardom, but it?s been a solid career nevertheless. Furthermore, it?s probably safe to say that Some People itself is the real recipient of the airbrush. The film has gradually slipped into obscurity since its initial release, barely cropping up on television (the most recent was on satellite channel Bravo during the mid-90s) and never appearing on VHS or DVD.

In part, this is likely to down to the unassuming nature. Some People refuses to try as hard as some of its contemporaries in presenting a more ordinary walk of life on screen. There?s no fuss to be made about the characters it?s portraying or the times they live in. As such the details are allowed to breathe: Anneke Wills wearing her jeans in the bath so as to get them sufficiently tight; Angela Douglas at work in a cigarette factory; the biker fashions and the cheeky, knowing dialogue. The decade would arguably produce more authentic portraits of British youth as the years progressed (John Fletcher?s all-improvised 1966 short Paddy?s in the Carsey and Barney Platts-Mills? Bronco Bullfrog stand out in that crowd), though nothing quite compares from this very particular period. In fact, that may very well be the other reason for its obscurity. Some People resides in a limbo somewhere between the teenage years as documented in Colin MacInnes? Absolute Beginners (first published in 1959) and the over-exposed ?Swinging? sixties as defined by Time magazine in 1966. Its era has yet to become a source of fascination or nostalgia ? it?s either too early or too late for that ? but then that only makes it all the more intriguing and ripe for reappraisal.

Some People is getting a very rare big screen outing this week as part of the regular Flipside strand at the BFI Southbank (Thursday February 28th, 6.20pm). It will also make its long-awaited DVD debut on the 24th of June courtesy of Network.

Source: http://thequietus.com/articles/11484-some-people-john-eldridge-review

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Mediterranean diet helps cut risk of heart attack, stroke: Results of PREDIMED study presented

Feb. 25, 2013 ? Results of the PREDIMED study, aimed at assessing the efficacy of the Mediterranean diet in the primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases, have been published in The New England Journal of Medicine. They show that the Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil or tree nuts reduces by 30 percent the risk of suffering a cardiovascular death, a myocardial infarction or a stroke.

The study has been coordinated by the researcher Ramon Estruch, from the Faculty of Medicine of the UB and the Hospital Cl?nic -- affiliated centres with the health campus of the UB, HUBc -- and has had the collaboration of the professor Rosa M. Lamuela and her team from the Natural Antioxidant Research Group of the Faculty of Pharmacy -- located at the campus of international excellence BKC -- which determined the biomarkers of Mediterranean diet consumption.

The research is part of the project PREDIMED, a multicentre trial carried out between 2003 and 2011 to study the effects of the Mediterranean diet on the primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The study was funded by the Carlos III Health Institute by means of the cooperative research thematic network (RETIC RD06/0045) and the CIBER of Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBERobn).

A total of 7,447 people following major cardiovascular risk factors participated in the study. They were divided into three dietary intervention groups: a Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil, a Mediterranean diet supplemented with nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts), and a low-fat diet (animal and vegetable). A dietician visited the patients every three months and they attended dietary training group sessions, in which they received detailed information about the Mediterranean and the low-fat diet, and the food included in each one. Moreover, they were provided with shopping lists, menus and recipes adapted to each type of diet and each season of the year.

During the study, those participants who followed any of the two types of Mediterranean diet received freely extra-virgin olive oil (one litre per week), and nuts (30 grams per day; 15 grams of walnuts, 7.5 grams of almonds and 7.5 grams of hazelnuts).

After five years, it has been proved that participants who followed any of the two types of Mediterranean diet showed a substantial reduction in the risk of suffering a cardiovascular death, a myocardial infarction or a stroke.

According to the researchers, the results of PREDIMED study are relevant as they prove that a high-vegetable fat diet is healthier at a cardiovascular level than a low-fat diet. The authors state that the study has been controversial as it provides new data to reject the idea that it is necessary to reduce fats in order to improve cardiovascular health.

Hopefully, these results will provide new references to prevent cardiovascular diseases. In addition, the design and methodology used can be easily transferred to the biomedical sector.

The study had the collaboration of several researchers from the Hospital Cl?nic, the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM), the faculties of Medicine of the universities Rovira i Virgili, Navarra, Valencia, Canary Islands and Malaga, as well as the University Hospital Son Espases of Palma, the Fats Institute in Seville, and the primary health care networks of Barcelona, Seville, Tarragona and Valencia.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Universitat de Barcelona.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Ram?n Estruch, Emilio Ros, Jordi Salas-Salvad?, Maria-Isabel Covas, D.Pharm., Dolores Corella, Fernando Ar?s, Enrique G?mez-Gracia, Valentina Ruiz-Guti?rrez, Miquel Fiol, Jos? Lapetra, Rosa Maria Lamuela-Raventos, Llu?s Serra-Majem, Xavier Pint?, Josep Basora, Miguel Angel Mu?oz, Jos? V. Sorl?, Jos? Alfredo Mart?nez, Miguel Angel Mart?nez-Gonz?lez. Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease with a Mediterranean Diet. New England Journal of Medicine, 2013; 130225030008006 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1200303

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/living_well/~3/G4xkheGPH-Y/130225181536.htm

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Friday, February 22, 2013

The Lonely Planet Adventure: Florida at its wildest

The Wilderness Waterway is to paddlers what the Appalachian Trail is to hikers: 159km (a minimum seven days of hard paddling) that snakes through one of America's most beautiful and least understood national parks, offering unparalleled wildlife close-ups and stunning scenery every bit of the way. The journey is a bit like paddling back in time through a part of American history ? most of Florida used to look like this before the invention of bulldozers and backhoes enabled the destruction of swampland on an epic scale.

As recently as the early 20th century, a thin sheet of water covered as much as 28,500sq km, creating one of the country's most unique habitats and harbouring unusual animals and plants. Bromeliads, orchids, palms and even hardwood forests thrived, providing habitats for all sorts of animals that nowadays are on the brink of extinction, such as the American crocodile and Florida panthers, which currently number only about 100. The now ubiquitous alligator has a commanding reign over this amazing "River of Grass".

The area was first written about by Hugh L Willoughby in 1898, after he made a west-east crossing of the vast sawgrass prairies in 1897. Save for the chickees (raised wooden platforms for camping), the Wilderness Waterway looks much as it did then. The communities of "Gladesmen" and indigenous tribes may have?gone, but wildlife still rules, and the only form of transport in this roadless expanse remains watercraft: boat, skiff, kayak or canoe.

The Everglades National Park was established in 1947 to protect this serene and wild ecosystem. Interestingly, the park's creation was in large part due to the efforts of a developer, Ernest F Coe. He envisioned an expanse of 2,000,000 acres and was so adamant about these boundaries (which even included Key Largo) that the creation of the park was almost scuttled completely. Even so, it remains the largest protected area east of the Mississippi River.

The adventure unfolds

The put-in for a west-east journey starts at the Gulf Coast Visitor Center in Everglades City. Clearly marked signs then guide paddlers across the waterways, lagoons, inlets and sawgrass prairies, with camping on beaches or chickees.

The journey goes through almost all the ecosystems the park has to offer, starting with miles of mangroves and tannin-stained water. Little blue herons and snowy egrets erupt with squawks from the shallows as your vessel slips by, the verdant mangroves subduing the sounds of paddling. The mangroves slowly melt into coastal estuary, where salt and brackish water mix, and manatee and sea turtle sightings are common. Here one can look out across Florida Bay at the Ten Thousand Islands. All but a handful of these islands are uninhabited. While many are open to campers, it's vital to obtain park permission prior to embarking on your trip and to stick to designated areas.

Gradually you'll trade the bay for sawgrass prairie: seemingly never-ending stretches of waist- to head-high grass like the prairies out west, except here they grow out of a paddy that's dry only in certain areas and at certain times of the year. At the highest points you'll find tropical hardwood "hammocks" (stands of trees) which support larger mammals ? look for deer, feral pigs, raccoons and (for the very lucky) a glimpse of the endangered Florida panther.

During the last days of the journey, camping is on chickees, which require some careful manoeuvring and preparation for tide, wind and current so as to not damage the canoes. Capable and experienced paddlers will find the seven to eight days as rewarding as a canoe trip can be.


A worthwhile side trip is to Big Cypress National Preserve, which borders part of Everglades National Park. One quick peek and you'll see why there's a line between the two: massive cypress trees blanketed with Spanish moss (a kind of lichen) create a totally different ecosystem from the Sawgrass Prairie and low-lying keys, yet this too is primarily swampland. Canoe any of the five NPS Big Cypress day trips or ask at the ranger station if you plan a longer stay.

This is an extract from 'Great Adventures', from Lonely Planet (?29.99). Readers can buy a copy for ?25, including UK P&P, by going to shop.lonelyplanet.com

Distance: 159km

Location: Everglades National Park, Florida, United States Time commitment: One week

Essential tip: Watch out for alligators

Essential Experiences

* Marvelling at unbroken vistas of sawgrass prairie as you glide through mangrove channels, lakes and lagoons.

* Encountering close up a host of birds and animals that many people never see.

* Enjoying the utter stillness that comes from being as far away from motorised vehicle traffic as one can be.

* Paddling around Florida's Ten Thousand Islands, all but a handful uninhabited.

* Camping on chickee stilt platforms at nightfall beneath a canopy of glittering stars.

* Travelling through one of America's most epic waterways that ? thankfully ? has been pristinely preserved, affording a look at what most of Florida looked like for millennia.

Source: http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/266/f/3852/s/28d59e52/l/0L0Sindependent0O0Ctravel0Cnews0Eand0Eadvice0Cthe0Elonely0Eplanet0Eadventure0Eflorida0Eat0Eits0Ewildest0E850A590A70Bhtml/story01.htm

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College softball update


Looking ahead: Top-ranked Oklahoma will complete its road trip to Palm Springs, Calif., with games versus UC Santa Barbara and Nebraska on Friday and play No. 23 Florida State on Saturday.

Looking back: The Sooners defeated both No. 16 Georgia and No. 19 Arizona 5-0 on Thursday to move to 6-0 against ranked teams this year, winning those games by a combined 41-0 ... OU pitchers put together a 35-inning scoreless streak that was ended by Notre Dame on Sunday. OU rallied to tie the game at 3 in the top of the seventh and scored 4 in the ninth to beat the Irish, 7-5.

Notable: Senior left-hander Michelle Gascoigne won three games with a 0.38 ERA to be named the Big 12 pitcher of the week ... Lauren Chamberlain is hitting .556 with six homers and 17 RBIs this season ... OU is ranked No. 1 for consecutive weeks for the first time in school history.

Oklahoma State

Record: 6-5

Looking ahead: OSU will take on Stanford (Friday) and UCLA and Long Beach State (Saturday) during its trip to Palm Springs, Calif.

Looking back: OSU split games on Thursday in Palm Springs. The Cowgirls lost 3-0 to Florida before bouncing back with a 3-2 victory against BYU.

OSU won three games (North Texas, Dayton, Iowa) in five contests in Denton, Texas.

Notable: Samantha Chrisman had four hits, including two homers and a double) and seven RBIs last weekend ... Kat Espinosa lost two games, but only allowed four runs and has a 0.59 ERA this season ... Simone Freeman (4-2) picked up three victories and 26 strikeouts last weekend.


Record: 7-3

Looking ahead: The Golden Hurricane will take part in the Texas Invitational in Austin. Tulsa will face Utah State and Texas on Friday and Lamar on Saturday. Two Sunday opponents will be determined after the first two days.

Looking back: TU captured the Unconquered Invitational in Tallahassee, Fla. with a 4-1 victory over host and No. 25 Florida State. TU also defeated nationally ranked Hofstra in an earlier game against the Seminoles.

Notable: Tulsa is ranked No. 24 in this week's national poll, the highest ranking in school history ... TU is 4-1 against ranked opponents this year ... The Hurricane had Conference USA's pitcher (Aimee Creger) and hitter (Haley Henshaw) of the week ... Creger was 2-0 with a 0.93 ERA ... Henshaw, a Catoosa High School graduate, had five hits, two homers and seven RBIs in three games against Florida State and Hofstra.

Source: http://www.tulsaworld.com/site/articlepath.aspx?articleid=20130222_29_B4_hOklah132401&rss_lnk=93

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GOP senators urge Obama to pull Hagel nomination

Republican Chuck Hagel testifies before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Jan. 31, 2103. (J. Scott Applew??Fifteen Republican senators, including potential 2016 White House contender Marco Rubio, urged President Barack Obama in a letter released on Thursday to withdraw Chuck Hagel's nomination as defense secretary. But the Republican former senator's chances of confirmation also got a big boost when another GOP lawmaker, Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, said he would support it.

Shelby told the Decatur Daily that he would back Hagel, who now appears to have the 60 votes needed to break a filibuster?barring some last-minute surprise. "He's probably as good as we're going to get," Shelby said.

The White House last week denounced Senate Republicans? unprecedented filibuster of the Hagel nomination (no Cabinet-level post dealing with national security had ever before faced a successful one). In the letter, the lawmakers argued in effect that this was Hagel's own fault.

?It would be unprecedented for a Secretary of Defense to take office without a broad base of bipartisan support and confidence needed to serve effectively in this critical position,? the senators, led by John Cornyn of Texas, said in the message to Obama. "While we respect Senator Hagel?s honorable military service, in the interest of national security, we respectfully request that you withdraw his nomination."

In addition to Rubio and Cornyn, Republican Sens. James Inhofe, Lindsey Graham, Roger Wicker, David Vitter, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Pat Toomey, Dan Coats, Ron Johnson, James Risch, John Barrasso, Tom Coburn and Tim Scott signed the letter. The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but it has flatly dismissed similar calls in the past, noting that Hagel has more than the 51 votes needed for confirmation.

In the letter the senators also denounced Hagel?s ?erratic record and myriad conversions on key national security issues? and openly doubted ?his basic competence to meet the substantial demand of the office.?

They charged that he ?proclaimed the legitimacy of the current regime in Tehran.? During his wobbly confirmation hearing performance, Hagel had said America?s allies consider that regime ?an elected, legitimate government, whether we agree or not.?

They also accused Hagel of showing ?a seeming ambivalence about whether containment or prevention is the best approach, which gives us great concern.?

In the hearing, Hagel mistakenly broke with Obama?s policy of preventing Iran from develop nuclear weapons and suggested he favored ?containment? instead. He tried to correct himself after being handed a note by an aide, but it was ultimately Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin, D-Mich., who fixed the gaffe. Hagel also struggled to explain his past opposition to imposing unilateral economic sanctions on Iran.

?If Senator Hagel becomes Secretary of Defense, the military option will have near zero credibility,? the senators said in the letter. ?This sends a dangerous message to the regime in Tehran, as it seeks to obtain the means necessary to harm both the United States and Israel.? (There?s another possibility: Maybe Hagel means war with Iran is actually more likely.)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/15-republican-senators-obama-withdraw-hagel-162909926--politics.html

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Thursday, February 21, 2013

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H&R Block for iPad

In the tax preparation world, there's no better-known name than H&R Block. It offers more tax solutions than any competitor, both face-to-face and digital. The company moved into the desktop tax preparation business many years ago when it purchased a popular application called TaxCut, and it's been competing head-to-head with TurboTax since then.

TurboTax almost always wins our Editor's Choice award, but not by much. H&R Block knows taxes, and its desktop and online tax preparation solutions reflect the decades of experience that the company has helping taxpayers around the globe. It ranks slightly behind TurboTax only because of the depth, volume and accessibility of its guidance features. Intuit also allows free email, chat and phone assistance, unlimited (within reason) contact with tax professionals. Getting personalized tax help from H&R Block can be an expensive proposition.

Like Intuit, H&R Block had its iPad version ready for the first time last year, though you couldn't complete a review using the Premium version of H&R Block At Home. This year, you can. Neither it nor Intuit allowed you to access the same return on both the iPad and a desktop or laptop computer. TurboTax still doesn't have that capability, but H&R Block for iPad does.

TurboTax still has a superior stable of help offerings, considering both the guidance within the app itself and the free phone support, and H&R Block still doesn't handle error-checking as gracefully and easily as TurboTax does. So while I prefer TurboTax for the iPad, H&R Block has improved its offering more over the last year.?

Almost Twins
H&R Block At Home Deluxe Online has a very simple, unadorned user interface. This translates well to the iPad, and the two versions are as similar as Intuit's versions of TurboTax. H&R Block for the iPad, as you might expect, supports a wide variety of tax issues, both common and not-so-common. It lets you prepare a return comprised of dozens of forms and schedules.

It does so by using a wizard-like process to get the information needed. Like its competitors, and like its online counterpart, H&R Block for the iPad lets you actually complete this process without paying; you only pay when it's time to file. The app starts by collecting information about you ? not just your name and address and Social Security number and your dependents (though it does ask for that early), but what life events have shaped your finances over the last year, so it knows where to concentrate its information-gathering efforts.

The app's wizard walks you through a kind of interview, similar to what might occur if you went into an H&R Block office. As you advance through the app's myriad screens, you're asked questions about your tax-related finances?your income and expenses?and your answers get dropped into the right fields on the right forms and schedules in the background after any necessary calculations are automatically done. You don't see your 1040 and so on until you're ready to file. You see simple questions, and you're provided with a variety of ways to answer them.

Simple Mechanics
Tax preparation software makers didn't invent wizards, but they use them as skillfully as anyone. Your journey through your tax return takes little effort on your part?just a lot of answers. Each screen asks you one or more questions, and you answer them by typing in a numeric value or some text (like the name of a bank), choosing from a list (like your dependent's relationship to you) or checking a box next to the correct response. When you're finished with one screen, you click the Next button to move on or the Back button to revisit the previous screen. None of H&R Block's tax preparation solutions let you jump ahead of the current screen until it's filled out.

There are other navigational alternatives. A vertical pane on the left of the screen displays the app's main sections. When you click on one, it opens a tree-like outline of all of the subtopics under that topic, like Adjustments and Deductions/IRA Conversions. Click on the "i" on the bottom of the screen, and a menu opens containing links to some site utilities and "Find a Form." When you select this, you can type a form or schedule number or letter, or a search phrase, and the app will display any options for that particular issue and let you go there (assuming you've already completed your return up to that point).

H&R Block's iPad app doesn't have the depth or volume of help tools that TurboTax for the iPad does. At various points in the interview process, a "Learn more" link opens a small window with clarifying information. If you want more than that, you can type your search phrase into the small Search box at the bottom of the screen. This opens the Help Center, which consists of dozens or hundreds of hits. So it's best to be as specific as possible when you enter your word or phrase, or you'll do a lot of scrolling.

A Weak Finish
When you've completed your return, the app checks your return for errors and omissions. If you click on "Fix Errors," you're not taken to a screen where you can actually make a change, and no field appears for your new answer like it does in TurboTax. H&R Block's review process on the iPad and online is its weakest link.

It's for this reason, plus the fact that TurboTax for the iPad's help system is better within the app (and personal questions via phone or chat are free) that I prefer Intuit's iPad-optimized version to H&R Block's. Kudos to H&R Block for allowing users to access their returns on both the iPad and a desktop or laptop, but that's not enough to propel it past TurboTax for the iPad for the 2012 tax year.

More Accounting and Tax Software Reviews:
??? TurboTax for iPad
??? H&R Block for iPad
??? TaxACT Deluxe Tablet App (for iPad)
??? TurboTax SnapTax (for iPhone)
??? eSmart Tax Premium
?? more

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ziffdavis/pcmag/~3/66PoUpPmroc/0,2817,2415649,00.asp

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Court won't hear appeal from ex-Ill. governor

(AP) ? The Supreme Court won't hear an appeal from ex-Illinois Gov. George Ryan over his corruption conviction.

The justices on Tuesday turned away Ryan's appeal without comment.

The former governor wanted them to reconsider his conviction based on a 2010 decision saying honest service fraud requires bribery and kickbacks. Ryan said the jury instructions at his trial were wrong, and that it was never proven that he took bribes. The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals refused to overturn his conviction, and the high court refused to reconsider that decision.

A jury convicted Ryan in 2006 of racketeering, conspiracy, tax fraud and making false statements to the FBI. Ryan was released from prison earlier this year and is serving the rest of his sentence on home confinement.

Associated Press

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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

WANTED: Police seek fugitive wanted for murder in Church Point http://www.kadn....

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Politics and energy policy

Quick: Name one thing mainstream Republicans and Democrats agree on when it comes to energy policy. Other than that both sides would like it to be cheaper, you're probably drawing a blank.

That's why there was something a little quixotic in President Obama's call last week, during his State of the Union address, urging Congress to get together and pursue "a bipartisan, market-based solution to climate change." It's pretty far-fetched to imagine congressional Republicans pursuing a costly new program, market based or not, positing the solution to a climate problem many believe don't exist.

The depth of the ideological chasm on this issue was expressed nicely just a week before Obama's speech, when Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), whose position as ranking Republican on the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources makes her a key architect of her party's energy policy, put out a 121-page blueprint outlining her vision. This sets up an amusing thought exercise: What would a comprehensive, bipartisan energy bill look like?

PHOTOS: Seven states, seven warning signs of global warming

For one thing, it wouldn't be 121 pages. Murkowski's plan shows that the similarities between GOP and Democratic thought would take up only a page or two. Not that many of the goals aren't the same: Both sides favor improved energy efficiency, increased independence from OPEC and other foreign sellers, and more financing for "advanced" power. But the ways they would approach these goals are poles apart.

In essence, Democrats would like to combat climate change and cut fossil fuel use by putting a price on greenhouse gases, improving energy efficiency and funding power research and development, while Republicans would like to lower energy costs and decrease foreign reliance by drilling in more places. There are a few minor points of agreement on this scale. Some Democrats, for example, might be persuaded to pursue more nuclear power, and Murkowski's proposal to extend master limited partnerships (a type of corporate entity, currently limited mainly to firms that extract natural resources, combining the tax benefits of limited partnerships with access to cheaper financing) to "clean" power projects could appeal to both parties. That's not much to build a comprehensive energy bill on, though.

During the State of the Union, Obama promised that if Congress fails to step up on energy, his administration will. That probably means more regulation of greenhouse gases, more funding for R&D, more incentives for energy efficiency and so on. Meanwhile, gamely plowing ahead despite an absence of support beyond party lines, Sens. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Feb. 14 proposed a bill to impose a carbon tax, something this page has been urging since 2007 but whose current prospects look dim. This combination of administrative action and congressional paralysis has characterized Obama's first term, and short of major changes in Congress, we might as well get used to it.

Source: http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-ed-energy-policy-bipartisan-20130218,0,2854986.story?track=rss

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North Korea raises the stakes for potential cuts in military spending -- Pacific Business News (blog)

As yet another deadline approaches for Congress to hammer out an agreement that would avoid cuts to the defense budget and other programs, the reductions could affect more than Hawaii?s economy, said Denny Roy, a senior fellow with the East-West Center.

The local economic impact would be significant, since the cuts are likely to include a 10 percent reduction in the $2.3 billion value of defense contracts in Hawaii, which would include furloughing 19,000 Department of Defense civilian employees. In addition, about 9,000 people locally would lose access to job-training programs, and education programs would be hard hit, Sen. Mazie Hirono?s office said.

All this comes at time when President Barack Obama and U.S. Pacific Command are talking about refocusing the country?s military and economic might on the Asia-Pacific Region. That makes one wonder: How do you move ships and troops, build aircraft hangars and do whatever else is need to focus on the Pacific when budgets are shrinking?

Add to the budgetary concerns that North Korea just tested a nuclear device and recently had a successful rocket test.

That has caused the United States to rethink its belief that North Korea is far away from developing a nuclear weapon capable of hitting Hawaii and the Mainland, Roy said.

?This adds ... to the fact that [defense spending in] Hawaii cannot be cut,? he said. ?Asia looks more threatening now. It looks more threatening than two days ago.?

Mark Abramson covers transportation, military contracting and sports marketing for Pacific Business News.

Source: http://www.bizjournals.com/pacific/blog/2013/02/north-korea-raises-the-stakes-for.html

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Deep sub prepares to resume work

Alvin project manager Kurt Uetz and pilot Mike Skowronski give a sneak peek of the upgrade's results

One of the giants of ocean science is about to get back in the water.

Alvin, the famous US manned deep-submersible, is nearing the end of a major $41m refit.

It will go on a series of engineering test dives in the coming weeks before resuming research duties in May.

This remarkable vessel has notched up many firsts during its 49 years of service, not least the discovery of volcanic vents on the Pacific Ocean floor in 1977.

Before Alvin's crew saw the vents' extraordinary array of animals thriving in the mineral-rich, hot waters gushing up through cracks in the rock, everyone assumed all the deepest places in the oceans would be like deserts - there would be little or no life.

The sub's observations transformed ideas about where and how life could exist, and not just on Earth.

Alvin is currently sitting in a workshop at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in Massachusetts.

Engineers are on a tight deadline to get the upgrades ready for sea trials that will be conducted off Bermuda in April.

Assuming the US Navy certifies all her modifications as fit and ready, the submersible will then be despatched to the Caribbean to resume its science by making a number of descents to the Cayman Trough.

"The work we've been doing on her this past couple of years will give her a whole new lease of life," Kurt Uetz, the project manager for the sub's upgrade, told BBC News.

The researchers who ride to the bottom in the "new" Alvin should notice a huge difference in the vehicle's capabilities, and especially the conditions in which they themselves have to work.

A key upgrade in the National Science Foundation-funded work has been the installation of a new $10m titanium pressure sphere.

This is the "cockpit" in which the pilot and two scientists sit for the duration of a dive.

Weighing five tonnes, this protective ball is only 16.2cm (6.4in) larger in diameter than Alvin's old sphere, but the visibility it now offers to its crew is greatly improved.

"The previous sphere had three viewports - one for each crewmember. The difficulty was that those viewports looked in completely different directions from each other. So you could never see what the other people were seeing," said Susan Humprhis, a WHOI senior scientist.

"The new sphere has five viewports, three of them forward-looking, all with overlapping fields of view. The visibility is going to improve immeasurably."

British acrylic manufacturers have supplied the thick conical windows.

Other improvements include a new floatation foam, a new command-and-control system, better lighting and hi-def cameras, increased data-logging capabilities, and better interfaces with the science instruments.

Alvin will also have a greater carrying capacity, doubling the permitted payload to about 180kg (400lb). This load might be experiments taken down to the ocean floor or samples that are brought back up.

Many of the changes to the sub, like its new pressure sphere, are there to enable the vessel to go deeper than its previous operational limit of 4,500m.

The plan is to permit the sub to dive to 6,500m, giving it access to 98% of the ocean floor. Only some really deep trenches would remain out of reach.

Continue reading the main story


  • Existence of vent systems was first established in 1977 off the Galapagos Islands
  • Since been seen at many volcanic sites, down to 5,000m (above) at Mid-Cayman Rise
  • Water drawn through sea floor cracks is superheated and ejected through vent openings
  • Hot fluid carries dissolved metals and other chemicals from beneath ocean floor
  • Vent systems support an extraordinary array of microbial and animal lifeforms
  • Beyond the reach of sunlight, ecosystems depend on chemosynthesis, not photosynthesis

But this objective is still a little way off. Some elements of the vessel, such as its thrusters and the variable ballast system, have yet to get their overhaul; and until they do, Alvin will not be certified to descend to the new depth.

"One thing we'd need is a better energy source," explained Mr Uetz.

"Currently, if we go to 4,500m, it's an eight- to 10-hour dive, but to go to 6,500m we're going to need at least 12 hours. So right now we're looking to move from lead-acid to lithium-ion batteries and we're working with the US Navy on a test programme that would allow us to do that."

Dr Humphris is impatient. "It's going to be very exciting," she said.

"You know, we've see less than 1% of the ocean floor and we still know so little about how ocean processes work. I think we're going to learn a lot more about what the ocean floor really looks like. And the other places we'll be able to go will be the shallower parts of deep-ocean trenches, and those are very active places where there are a lot of earthquakes and which are also associated with volcanoes."

The French, the Russians, the Japanese and even the Chinese now have manned subs that can go deeper than Alvin's current limit. People will also recall movie director James Cameron visiting the deepest part of the ocean in a vehicle he himself had commissioned.

What none of those vessels can match, of course, is the WHOI vehicle's heritage: a total 4,664 dives over nearly five decades.

One thing that will not change in the future is the rule that governs who gets to choose the music played inside the sphere on the long descents and ascents.

"Music is at the pilot's discretion," said Mike Skowronski, one of the select group of individuals who gets to take the controls of the famous sub.

"Scientists aren't allowed to bring their own music in the vehicle. It's more for the pilot's comfort and keeping him in a certain rhythm and to help him maintain his concentration."

Jonathan.Amos-INTERNET@bbc.co.uk and follow me on Twitter: @BBCAmos

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-16593691#sa-ns_mchannel=rss&ns_source=PublicRSS20-sa

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Monday, February 18, 2013

Facebook hacking: FBI probes attack

WASHINGTON: The US Federal Bureau of Investigation is collaborating in the investigation of a "sophisticated attack" by hackers on Facebook last month, which, according to the social network, has not compromised users' data.

The daily San Francisco Chronicle said Saturday that the FBI is working with Facebook to determine the origin of last month's hacker attack that hit the computers of some workers at the California company.

According to the newspaper, the social network said that "malware was installed on laptops used by Facebook employees when they visited a mobile developer's web site".

"As soon as we discovered the presence of the malware, we remediated all infected machines, informed law enforcement, and began a significant investigation that continues to this day," Facebook said Friday on its blog.

"We are working continuously and closely with our own internal engineering teams, with security teams at other companies, and with law enforcement authorities to learn everything we can about the attack, and how to prevent similar incidents in the future," Facebook said.

The attack on Facebook came soon after Twitter said early this month that data of 250,000 users had been obtained by hackers, and that this operation "was not the work of amateurs, and we do not believe it was an isolated incident".

Source: http://timesofindia.feedsportal.com/fy/8at2Etf0kB6Ct47C/story01.htm

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Alberta sits at 0-3 while Canada is 3-0 at Scotties

630 CHED Sports

Alberta's Kristie Moore remained winless after day 2 of the Scotties Tournament of Hearts Sunday.

After an early morning loss to Ontario Moore's rink dropped a 9-6 decision to Quebec's Allison Ross.

The Grande Prairie rink is winless heading into draw 6 this afternoon.

Moore will hope to get in the win column against Saskatchewan's Jill Shumay at noon.

Meanwhile Edmonton's Heather Nedohin is still unbeaten after her Canadian rink edged PEI 6-5 yesterday for it's 3rd win at the Scotties.

Heading into today's action they are tied at the top of the leaderboard with Ontario, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

Nedohin's rink faces Quebec at noon and Newfoundland at 5:30pm. (JSL)

Source: http://www.630ched.com/Channels/Reg/LocalSports/Story.aspx?ID=1890542

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Sunday, February 17, 2013

02/16/2013 - The 31st Annual 2013 San Diego Chinese New Year Food and Cultural Fair

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Eyewitness: Sangam, India

Eyewitness: Sangam, India | World news | guardian.co.uk

Photographs from the Guardian Eyewitness series

  • guardian.co.uk,
Naga Sadhus, or Hindu naked holy men, walk in procession after bathing at SangamView larger picture

Naga Sadhus, or Hindu naked holy men, walk in procession after bathing at Sangam, the confluence of the Hindu holy rivers the Ganges, Yamuna and the mythical Saraswati during the Maha Kumbh festival

Kevin Frayer/AP

Spectroscopic signatures of quantum-coherent energy transfer

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GameStick's $79 Android gaming system is available for pre-order ...

PlayJam plans to ship its first Android-based GameStick video game consoles in April to backers of the company?s Kickstarter campaign. But if you didn?t pledge any money during the fundraising campaign, now you can pre-order a GameStick from the company?s website for $79.

The GameStick is a game console on a tiny stick about the size of a USB flash drive. It also comes with a wireless game controller which has a slot that you can store the stick in when you?re not using it.


If the GameStick design looks familiar, that?s because it?s basically a custom version of an Android TV Stick ? and we?ve seen a lot of those in the past year. This particular model features an Amlogic AM8726-MX ARM Cortex-A9 processor, 1GB of RAM, 8GB of storage, WiFi, Bluetooth, and an Android Jelly Bean-based operating system with an emphasis on games.

Pre-orders will ship once all of the Kickstarter premiums are out the door.

Customers can also pick up a case for $10, or a dock for $25. The dock is an accessory that adds an SD card reader, additional USB ports, an Ethernet jack, HDMI port, and wireless charging for the GameStick controller. You can also use it to plug in peripherals like a microphone, camera, or just about anything else supported by Android.


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  • Game formatDownloadable
  • Controller typeWireless
  • Video outputsHDMI
  • Released04/01/2013
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Source: http://liliputing.com/2013/02/gamesticks-79-android-gaming-system-is-available-for-pre-order.html

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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Russian region begins recovery from meteor fall

Alexander Babin, rescuer of Chelyabinsk Airlines injured by glass window broken by a shock wave from a meteor explosion rests after getting a medical care in Chelyabinsk Regional Hospital in Chelyabinsk, about 1500 kilometers (930 miles) east of Moscow, Saturday, Feb. 16, 2013. A meteor that scientists estimate weighed 10 tons (11 tons) streaked at supersonic speed over Russia's Ural Mountains on Friday, setting off blasts that injured some 500 people and frightened countless more. (AP Photo/Boris Kaulin)

Alexander Babin, rescuer of Chelyabinsk Airlines injured by glass window broken by a shock wave from a meteor explosion rests after getting a medical care in Chelyabinsk Regional Hospital in Chelyabinsk, about 1500 kilometers (930 miles) east of Moscow, Saturday, Feb. 16, 2013. A meteor that scientists estimate weighed 10 tons (11 tons) streaked at supersonic speed over Russia's Ural Mountains on Friday, setting off blasts that injured some 500 people and frightened countless more. (AP Photo/Boris Kaulin)

In this frame grab made from dashboard camera video, a meteor streaks through the sky over Chelyabinsk, about 1500 kilometers (930 miles) east of Moscow, Friday, Feb. 15, 2013. With a blinding flash and a booming shock wave, the meteor blazed across the western Siberian sky Friday and exploded with the force of 20 atomic bombs, injuring more than 1,000 people as it blasted out windows and spread panic in a city of 1 million. (AP Photo/AP Video)

In this photo provided by Chelyabinsk.ru a woman cleans away glass debris from a window after a meteorite explosion over Chelyabinsk region on Friday, Feb. 15, 2013. A meteor exploded in the sky above Russia on Friday, causing a shockwave that blew out windows injuring hundreds of people and sending fragments falling to the ground in the Ural Mountains. The Russian Academy of Sciences said in a statement hours after the Friday morning fall that the meteor entered the Earth's atmosphere at a speed of at least 54,000 kph (33,000 mph) and shattered about 30-50 kilometers (18-32 miles) above ground. The fall caused explosions that broke glass over a wide area. (AP Photo/ Yevgenia Yemelyanova, Chelyabinsk.ru)

A local resident repairs a window broken by a shock wave from a meteor explosion in Chelyabinsk, about 1500 kilometers (930 miles) east of Moscow, Friday, Feb. 15, 2013. A meteor that scientists estimate weighed 10 tons (11 tons) streaked at supersonic speed over Russia's Ural Mountains on Friday, setting off blasts that injured some 500 people and frightened countless more. (AP Photo/Boris Kaulin)

(AP) ? A small army of workers set to work Saturday to replace the estimated 200,000 square meters (50 acres) of windows shattered by the shock wave from a meteor that exploded over Russia's Chelyabinsk region.

The astonishing Friday morning event blew out windows in more than 4,000 buildings in the region, mostly in the capital city of the same name and injured some 1,200 people, largely with cuts from the flying glass.

Forty of the injured remained hospitalized on Saturday, two of them in serious condition, the state news agency RIA Novosti reported, citing the regional health ministry.

Regional governor Mikhail Yurevich on Saturday said that damage from the high-altitude explosion ?estimated to have been as powerful as 20 Hiroshima bombs -- is estimated at 1 billion rubles ($33 million). He promised to have all the broken windows replaced within a week.

But that is a long wait in a frigid region. The midday temperature in Chelyabinsk was minus-12 C (10 F), and for many the immediate task was to put up plastic sheeting and boards on shattered residential windows.

More than 24,000 people, including volunteers, have mobilized in the region to cover windows, gather warm clothes and food and make other relief efforts, the regional governor's office said. Crews from glass companies in adjacent regions were being flown in.

In the town of Chebarkul, 80 kilometers (50 miles) west of Chelyabinsk city, divers explored the bottom of an ice-crusted lake looking for meteor fragments believed to have fallen there, leaving a six-meter-wide (20-foot-wide) hole. Emergency Ministry spokeswoman Irina Rossius told Russian news agencies the search hadn't found anything.

Police kept a small crowd of curious onlookers from venturing out onto the icy lake, where a tent was set up for the divers.

Many of them were still trying to process the memories of the strange day they'd lived through.

Valery Fomichov said he had been out for a run when the meteor streaked across the sky shortly after sunrise.

"I glanced up and saw a glowing dot in the west. And it got bigger and bigger, like a soccer ball, until it became blindingly white and I turned away," he said.

In a local church, clergyman Sexton Sergei sought to derive a larger lesson.

"Perhaps God was giving a kind of sign, so that people don't simply think about their own trifles on earth, but rather look to the heavens once in a while."

In Chelyabinsk, university student Ksenia Arslanova said she was pleased that people in the city of 1 million generally behaved well after the bewildering flash and explosions.

"People were kind of ironic about it. And that's a good thing, that people didn't run to the grocery store. Everyone was calm," the 19-year-old architecture student said. "I'm proud that our city didn't fall into depression."


Jim Heintz in Moscow contributed to this report.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/apdefault/cae69a7523db45408eeb2b3a98c0c9c5/Article_2013-02-16-EU-Russia-Meteor/id-8fb82bff96794ec19fbd38d61b993c6a

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Myanmar's bishops call for peace : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

CWN - February 15, 2013

The bishops of Myanmar (Burma) are calling for peace in the yearlong conflict between military forces and ethnic Kachins who are seeking political autonomy.

?As a Church, we walk with our displaced people, watch their life being destroyed by war, their families fragmented by depressing life in the displaced camps,? Bishop Francis Daw Tang of Myitkyina wrote on behalf of Myanmar?s hierarchy.

?[We] are deeply concerned about the escalation of war in the recent weeks: use of heavy weaponry, aerial bombing, increasing lack of clarity about conflict zones and civilian areas, unequal warfare waged during [the] holydays of our faith, unacceptable conflict practice that force thousands to be displaced, exposing children and women to life threatening sickness in the acute winter,? the bishops added.

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Friday, February 15, 2013

Clues to the mysterious origin of cosmic rays

Feb. 14, 2013 ? In the year 1006 a new star was seen in the southern skies and widely recorded around the world. It was many times brighter than the planet Venus and may even have rivaled the brightness of the Moon. It was so bright at maximum that it cast shadows and it was visible during the day. More recently astronomers have identified the site of this supernova and named it SN 1006. They have also found a glowing and expanding ring of material in the southern constellation of Lupus (The Wolf) that constitutes the remains of the vast explosion.

It has long been suspected that such supernova remnants may also be where some cosmic rays -- very high energy particles originating outside the Solar System and travelling at close to the speed of light -- are formed. But until now the details of how this might happen have been a long-standing mystery.

A team of astronomers led by Sladjana Nikoli? (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany [1]) has now used the VIMOS instrument on the VLT to look at the one-thousand-year-old SN 1006 remnant in more detail than ever before. They wanted to study what is happening where high-speed material ejected by the supernova is ploughing into the stationary interstellar matter -- the shock front. This expanding high-velocity shock front is similar to the sonic boom produced by an aircraft going supersonic and is a natural candidate for a cosmic particle accelerator.

For the first time the team has not just obtained information about the shock material at one point, but also built up a map of the properties of the gas, and how these properties change across the shock front. This has provided vital clues to the mystery.

The results were a surprise -- they suggest that there were many very rapidly moving protons in the gas in the shock region [2]. While these are not the sought-for high-energy cosmic rays themselves, they could be the necessary "seed particles," which then go on to interact with the shock front material to reach the extremely high energies required and fly off into space as cosmic rays.

Nikoli? explains: "This is the first time we were able to take a detailed look at what is happening in and around a supernova shock front. We found evidence that there is a region that is being heated in just the way one would expect if there were protons carrying away energy from directly behind the shock front."

The study was the first to use an integral field spectrograph [3] to probe the properties of the shock fronts of supernova remnants in such detail. The team now is keen to apply this method to other remnants.

Co-author Glenn van de Ven of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, concludes: "This kind of novel observational approach could well be the key to solving the puzzle of how cosmic rays are produced in supernova remnants."


[1] The new evidence emerged during analysis of the data by Sladjana Nikoli? (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy) as part of work towards her doctoral degree at the University of Heidelberg.

[2] These protons are called suprathermal as they are moving much quicker than expected simply from the temperature of the material.

[3] This is achieved using a feature of VIMOS called an integral field unit, where the light recorded in each pixel is separately spread out into its component colours and each of these spectra recorded. The spectra can then be subsequently analysed individually and maps of the velocities and chemical properties of each part of the object created.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by ESO.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. S. Nikolic, G. van de Ven, K. Heng, D. Kupko, B. Husemann, J. C. Raymond, J. P. Hughes, J. Falcon-Barroso. An Integral View of Fast Shocks Around Supernova 1006. Science, 2013; DOI: 10.1126/science.1228297

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Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/top_science/~3/JxDJxmNYDSM/130214141802.htm

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GAO: Climate change on federal risk list for 1st time

Mike Groll / AP file

In this aerial photo, people walk amid the destruction left in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, on Oct. 31 in Seaside Heights, N.J.

By Gil Aegerter and Rich Gardella, NBC News

The federal government is facing significant financial risks related to extreme weather events, and states and cities can no longer depend on it for extra help after such events occur, the Republican chairman of House Oversight and Government Reform Committee said Friday.

The warning from Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., came at a press conference about the release of a new report by the Government Accountability Office, which identified ?climate change? on its 2013 list of items presenting high risk to the federal government.

The report said the federal government faces financial challenges from climate change, including the costs of weather-related damage to property it owns, losses through flood insurance and crop support programs, and costs of emergency aid in disasters.

?These events are primarily the responsibilities of the cities and states,? Issa said at the news conference. ?And I will point out that we can no longer assume that the federal government will come in with an emergency supplemental [funding] every time there is an [extreme weather] occurrence. We have a responsibility to be proactive: Proactive in asking the states and the cities to be prepared to meet more of these requirements.? Proactive in making sure that we withhold the funds, either through insurance funds or through actual appropriations, that are appropriate for the real anticipated events.?

The GAO?noted that the Federal Emergency Management Agency is on the hook for more than $80 billion in aid for disasters declared during the 2004-2011 fiscal years -- and the White House asked for more than $60 billion in aid to help the East Coast recover from Hurricane Sandy.

Read the GAO report in PDF form

And yet, the report says, the government has not been coordinating a response to climate change among its agencies --- partly a problem of the complexity of the issue. The report advises that a strategic plan be developed, directed at common goals for all federal agencies.

The report is a biennial assessment of government operations it deems at high risk for fraud, waste, abuse and mismanagement or as otherwise "needing broad-based transformation." Some of its other recommendations:

  • Develop a better understanding of how a changing climate will affect the large federal flood and crop insurance programs. For instance, the report said, sea-level rise and long-term erosion should be considered when flood maps are updated.
  • Develop a federal approach to providing climate data to state and local governments so they can make better decisions.
  • Develop better criteria for FEMA to assess a jurisdiction's ability to recover on its own after a disaster.

In a related issue, the report also says looming gaps in coverage by polar-orbiting weather satellites could affect forecasts and "warnings of extreme events."

The satellites provide a global perspective each morning and afternoon. The report said the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has acknowledged there could be a gap of 17 to 53 months between the time the current afternoon satellite fails and the time a new one can be launched to replace it.?

The report also noted that the risk of a gap exists in coverage by the satellite in the morning orbit -- if the Department of Defense's next satellites don't work as intended.

The report said NOAA officials believe these gaps "would result in less accurate and timely weather forecasts and warnings of extreme events, such as hurricanes, storm surges and floods."

After the report?s release, members of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held a news conference at which both Democrats and Republicans acknowledged the government?s significant fiscal exposure as a result of weather related disasters.

Issa called it a ?nonpartisan? issue, while ranking Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., labeled the GAO report ?a wake-up call? for Congress to start paying attention to impacts of climate change.

In total, the GAO report listed?30 federal programs and operations on its high-risk list. Climate change risk and the weather satellite gap were both new additions. Management of interagency contracting and IRS business systems modernization both were removed from the list because the GAO decided that sufficient progress had been made to address past vulnerabilities.

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Source: http://openchannel.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/02/14/16954211-gao-climate-change-poses-big-financial-risk-to-us-government?lite

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