This week (and next week) is crazytown at work. I have given myself over to it, and just accepted that it?s going to mean full days at work, followed by evenings at the theater, but I just had to get that out there. It?s a lot, and I?m looking forward to a little peace and quiet after everything?s over. (Yeah, right.)
Last weekend I went home-home, and had my first baby shower. It was bigger than I expected (I guess I didn?t pay attention to the guest list), and I had a great time! It was lots of women who have (pardon the cliche) watched me grow up, so that?s always fun. My aunt and uncle came up from Napa, and Drew?s mom and her BFF drove up, and I hope everyone had as much fun as I did.

I mean, it?s either one or the other!

We?ve been splitting our time between this (sock) monkey theme and this jungle animals theme. Settling on one theme was never my strong point.

Christy made a diaper cake! Cute AND functional!

Me and Mom!

Me and long-time friends!

With Suzanne and Bonnie ? love you guys!

Our travel system, compliments of my parents!
We are incredibly lucky and very blessed to be surrounded by such great, supportive, generous and loving people. The excitement and the joy has been very encouraging. I am grateful that I haven?t had to deal with people saying inconsiderate or negative things. Literally everyone has been positive and respectful.
When I got regular-home from being home-home, I had a carload full of stuff to unload (more boxes of books from my parents among them), and Drew?s mom had brought back a lot of presents that wouldn?t fit in my car. I reworked the nursery (see, I can call it that now, and not just keep calling it the library) and tried to get rid of boxes and bags, and group things into blankets, feeding, bathtime, etc.
We pushed the stroller/carseat in there, and after a moment Drew said, ?Wow. I thought we had this room under control.? It?s a bit of a jumble right now, but I?m hoping we can alleviate that over the next month or so. It?s amazing how much stuff we have amassed ? and I thought we were being conservative!
We haven?t taken the plastic off the crib mattress yet, or washed the sheets and made the crib up, but it?s still a good place to store certain things?
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