
Abbas: Israel to "continue its... Judaization" of Jerusalem and its take-over of Muslim and Christian holy sites?
Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?Aug. 22, 2012
Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas: ???? "'[The] purpose is to achieve its black goals: Destroying the Al-Aqsa Mosque, building the 'alleged Temple,' taking over the Muslim and Christian holy sites, and destroying its [Jerusalem's] institutions in order to empty it, uproot its residents, and continue its occupation and Judaization.' Abbas' statement also said that all of Israel's archeological digs and tunnels... will not change the reality of the city... and will not create a [Jewish] right based on fantasy and legends. The statement ended... 'there will be no peace, security, or stability unless the occupation [Israel], its settlements and settlers will be evacuated from our holy city and the eternal capital of our state.'" Click to view bulletinNote: Abbas' statement was also published in WAFA (Palestinian News Agency) on Aug. 21, 2012. |

PA daily: Israel has "embarked on a dramatic offensive to Judaize the city [of Jerusalem]"?
Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?Aug. 3, 2012
????? "The expert on Al-Aqsa mosque structure and Jerusalem Affairs, Engineer Jammal Amr, has warned that traces of dangerous chemicals have been found in the foundations of the Al-Aqsa mosque. He also emphasized that Israeli occupation forces use substances that induce dissolving in their excavations under Al-Aqsa, in order to fracture the [mosque's] foundations and bring about its collapse... There are [Israeli] specialists spreading the chemicals at night, and removing the traces during the day. In addition, he emphasized that this [Israeli] attack on the Al-Aqsa mosque is the most audacious of the last three years, and that ever since Jerusalem was declared a capital of Arab culture in 2009, the occupation authorities have embarked on a dramatic offensive to Judaize the city and utterly erase its original [Arab] landmarks. Ammar emphasized that the recurring incursions by settlers (i.e., Jews visiting the Temple Mount) are carried out under the auspices of the occupation government and with its blessing, and that the sanctity of the Al-Aqsa mosque is grievously defiled by functionaries implementing the schemes of the occupation." Click to view bulletin |

PA official: Israel has a policy of ?Judaization? and ?falsification? to invent a Jewish connection to Jerusalem?
Palestinian TV (Fatah),?June 12, 2012
PA TV program Topic of the Day on the danger facing Al-Aqsa Mosque because of the excavations that are being carried out beneath it. Guest: Adnan Al-Husseini, Minister for Jerusalem Affairs ???? Al-Husseini: "It's not a simple matter. The excavations are being carried out [by Israel] in accordance with an entire political program of Judaization, falsification of history, exploitation of this falsification for Zionist propaganda in the West and throughout the world, to prove that they have some connection to Jerusalem."

PA daily: Israel plans to destroy a Jerusalem neighborhood and build ?Talmudic gardens? in its stead?
Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?June 4, 2012
???? "A delegation including MPs, advisors to the President of Argentina, and the Argentinian ambassador to the PA? paid a visit yesterday to the village of Silwan, south of the Al-Aqsa [Mosque] and the city of Hebron. The head of the Committee for the Defense of Silwan, Fakhri Abu Diab, accompanied the delegation on a tour which included the Al-Bustan neighborhood and several sites which are in danger of demolishment and expropriation. He explained about the intention of the occupation authorities and their [Jerusalem] municipality to destroy the Al-Bustan neighborhood in order to put up projects, parks and Talmudic gardens, to serve the settlers and the fable of the alleged Temple."

PA daily: Israel ?Judaize[s]? Jerusalem and empties it of Palestinians?
Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?May 12, 2012
Article by Bader Maki in the sports pages: ???? "What about you, oh Arabs who prohibit [visiting Jerusalem] and accuse [those who visit] of treason? Such isolation you impose on us, in facing those who have newly appeared upon the face of the earth [the Israelis], those who continue, day and night, with their measures to Judaize Jerusalem, to empty it of its original inhabitants, and to establish settlements ? and at the very time that the settlers are rioting everywhere in our land, and cutting down the holy olive trees? The Hebrew entity fears the Arab Spring, because it will lose some of the rulers who maintained normalization with it. But the Arab street supports the bearers of the historical [Palestinian] cause, and our nation's dream of establishing our independent state with Jerusalem as its capital? Come, Arabs, to Jerusalem? Come to Palestine in order to emphasize its Arabness and its authenticity. Here, the descendants of Saladin from Kurdistan are arriving in Palestine. By my life, we need a leader like that Kurdish Muslim leader, to tell the invaders, 'Get out!'"

Abbas: Jerusalem only has Islamic and Christian history and Israel is stealing that history?
Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?May 1, 2012
???? "President Mahmoud Abbas held a series of meetings in Tunis... the President met with the Arab ambassadors to Tunisia... He explained to the guests the policies that are being adopted by the occupation authorities (i.e., Israel) - Judaization, destruction of homes, causing the emigration of Palestinian inhabitants, and imposition of high taxes; the continued excavations under the Al-Aqsa Mosque; [and he explained] the need for Arab cohesion in order to protect what remains of the holy city, and the [Israeli] attempts to steal its cultural, human, and Islamic-Christian religious history." Click to view bulletin |

Fatah official warns of ?Israeli campaigns? to erase Jerusalem?s ?identity and landmarks??
Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?Apr. 30, 2012
???? "The Association of Released Prisoners, the Ministry of Prisoners' Affairs, and the Prisoners' Club held a ceremony last night in Bethlehem honoring the veteran prisoners from the Jerusalem and Bethlehem districts. [Bethlehem district governor, Abd Al-Fatah] Hamail emphasized that Jerusalem is an occupied city and is the historical, religious, political, spiritual, economical and moral capital of Palestine, and ultimately it will be the capital of the State of Palestine? [Member of the Fatah Revolutionary Council, Dimitri] Daliani said that the city of Jerusalem, which is subject to organized Israeli campaigns aimed at erasing its identity and landmarks, will be the capital of the Palestinian state." |

Abbas' advisor: Israel creates an artificial Jewish heritage in Jerusalem, whose "authentic identity" is Arab?
Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?Apr. 25, 2012
???? "Advisor on Jerusalem affairs to the Palestinian President's Office, Ahmed Al-Ruweidi... said: 'Israel is managing to seize the land in the city; at the same time, the chances of maintaining its Arab and Islamic identity are small, since the occupation authorities are carrying out the 2020 plan, which is meant to establish the Jewishness of Jerusalem and to create a new and fabricated facade with an artificial heritage... about Jewish existence in Jerusalem... It is not befitting a city with the importance of Jerusalem, with what it represents, that it should continue to be subject to occupation... and that there should be repeated, ongoing attempts to change its geographical, demographic and cultural characteristics, and to create an artificial heritage with a Jewish spirit at the expense of its true and authentic [identity] as an Arab, Islamic and Christian city.'" Click to view bulletin |

PA daily accuses Israel of ?Judaizing? Herodium, claiming it as an ancient Palestinian landmark?
Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?Apr. 19, 2012
Headline: "Considered one of the most prominent Palestinian landmarks ? occupation authorities and settlers hurry to Judaize Mount Furadis (i.e., Herodium)" "The occupation authorities and the settler Gush Etzion [Regional] Council have made great strides in the Judaization of one of the most important Palestinian landmarks - which has become a central focus of tourism for the Israelis ? as part of the unholy alliance between the settlers and the occupation government and its branches, such as the Nature and Parks Authority. The occupation authorities have laid their hand on the Herodion fortress, said to have been built by Herod, the Edomite governor of the Roman province of Palaestina, and have turned it into a 'national park'. Occupation authorities have awarded the settler Etzion Council freedom of action at the site, whose local [Arabic] name is Mount Furadis. A grant from the Israeli government has made it possible for the settler council to 'develop' the site so as to absorb a greater number of tourists, whose number continues to grow. It has become one of the sites that draws the greatest number of visitors, especially since the Israeli archaeologist Yehuda (Ehud ? ed.) Netzer announced that he had located Herod's grave at the site. Many people, including Israeli archaeologists, have cast doubt on this announcement. Netzer's dramatic death while he worked at the site in October 2010, has added a mythological dimension to the story of his love for Herod and his illegal excavations at the site."Note: The Herodian fortress south of Jerusalem was built in the 1st century BCE by King Herod, the (Jewish) king of the province of Judaea.

PA daily: Islamic-Christian Council of Jerusalem accuses Israel of ?Judaizing? Jerusalem ?
Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?Apr. 19, 2012
Headline: "Islamic-Christian Council warns that the occupation plans to build a new settlement in the heart of Jerusalem" ???? "The Islamic-Christian Council for Support of Jerusalem and the Holy Places warned yesterday of a new Israeli plan to establish a settlement in the heart of occupied Jerusalem. It said yesterday in a statement that the evacuation of the home of citizen Khaled Al-Natsheh, from the Al-Ashqariyeh area in the Beit Hanina neighborhood, in the northern part of the holy city, by occupation forces, in order to transfer it to a group of settlers, is the continuation of the Israeli policy of occupation, whose aim is to Judaize Jerusalem and empty it of its [Arab] inhabitants? The Council emphasized that the occupation authorities and settlers are trying to seize the city of Jerusalem and its Islamic and Christian holy places; to Judaize every inch of the holy city so that it will become the capital of the Jewish people and of the Jewish state; to expel every Muslim and Christian Arab from the occupied city; and ? as the crowning glory of their plans ? to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque and to establish the alleged Temple on its ruins."

PA daily: Israel forges history and Judaizes Jerusalem from abroad?
Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?Mar. 8, 2012
Headline: "El-Al promises to bring 'holy wishes' to Jerusalem ? Israeli organization builds model of Al-Buraq Wall (i.e., the Western Wall) in New York, [presenting it] as the 'Jewish Wailing Wall'" ???? "The Israeli occupation and its affiliates have not sufficed with Judaization of the land and Islamic landmarks in Jerusalem by adopting a policy of erasing and forgery. Its long arm of forgery has now reached the USA. The [Israeli-Arab] Al-Aqsa Institute for Islamic Trusts and Heritage has reported that a Jewish organization recently placed a large-scale model of the Al-Buraq Wall (i.e., the Western Wall), [presenting it] as the 'Jewish Wailing Wall', at a private museum in the Brooklyn quarter of the American city of New York. An official inauguration ceremony was held, with an Israeli [government] minister participating. At the same time, the Israeli airline El-Al has promised to carry over the 'wish notes' inserted in the model in Brooklyn, so that they can be inserted in between the stones of the 'Wailing [Wall]' in occupied Jerusalem. The Al-Aqsa Institute said that the establishment of this Judaizing model, which lends weight to the myth of the 'Wailing [Wall]' and the alleged Temple, in the USA, testifies to the intensive efforts of the occupation to establish the alleged Temple in the place of the Al-Aqsa Mosque."

Fatah official: Israel is carrying out a ?program of Israelization? in Jerusalem?
Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?Dec. 29, 2011
???? "Palestinian philosopher and member of the Fatah Advisory Council, Ahmed Ghneim, called to adopt what he referred to as a program for the Palestinization of Jerusalem as well as a clear Palestinian world-view for dealing with the program of Israelization which Israel is carrying out in Jerusalem? This was during a conference held by the Ministry of Information in Qalqilya yesterday evening? Ahmed Ghneim spoke about the historical background of Jerusalem? Ghneim reviewed the repeated efforts of the Zionist movement to seek a legend that would draw Jews throughout the world, and turn them from a religion into a nation? He noted that the insistence on declaring Jerusalem the eternal capital [of the Jewish people] means that the war is a religious war, even though Israel has no right to Jerusalem ? not religiously, not legally, not politically, and not historically." |

PA daily accuses Israel of having plans to Judaize Al-Aqsa Mosque?
Al-Ayyam,?Nov. 24, 2011
Headline: "Report by Al-Aqsa Institute warns of occupation's plan to destroy the Mughrabi Gate for the purpose of complete Judaization of the Al-Aqsa Mosque" [Report published by The Israeli Arab Al-Aqsa Institute for Islamic Trusts and Heritage:] ???? "The Israeli occupation, since 1967, has seized control of the Mughrabi neighborhood [in the old city of Jerusalem], because it overlooks the famous Al-Buraq Wall (which the Jews falsely and spuriously call the Wailing Wall) of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Jews claim that this wall is part of the western wall of their alleged Temple."

Fatah official: Israel is ?in a race against time to prove and to perpetuate the Jewishness of Jerusalem??
Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?Nov. 22, 2011
Headline: "During press conference in the holy city ? leaders in Jerusalem warn Israel against going through with the destruction of the Mughrabi Gate path leading to the Al-Aqsa [Mosque] and the building of a military bridge" ???? "Respected personalities and bodies warned against the Israeli occupation going through with the destruction of the Mughrabi Gate path, leading to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and establishing a military bridge instead. They viewed the implementation of this occupation plot as an open declaration of war. This was during a press conference held yesterday by the Department of Islamic Religious Trusts in Jerusalem and the Supreme Supervisory Committee of the Arab Community in the Palestinian Interior? In his speech, Mufti Sheikh Muhammad Hussein said: 'Since their occupation of Jerusalem in 1967 and until today, the Israeli authorities have carried out dangerous ? very dangerous ? activities in Jerusalem in particular, and in the Palestinian territories in general? The Mughrabi neighborhood, including schools, mosques, and homes, was destroyed in the first few days of the Israeli occupation. At the time they extended what they falsely refer to as the Wailing Wall, which is actually the Al-Buraq Wall. This is a prominently Islamic wall, and it is one of the walls of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. It is an Islamic trust and an Islamic asset, and no-one but the Muslims has any right to it.' [?] Hatem Abd Al-Qader [Fatah official who holds the Jerusalem portfolio] said: 'Israel is currently in a race against time to prove and to perpetuate the Jewishness of Jerusalem and to turn it not only into the political capital of the Zionist entity, but also into the religious capital of Jews around the world.'"

Settler attacks against Al-Aqsa Mosque are ?a systematic and planned Israeli policy to Judaize? Jerusalem?
Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?Sept. 28, 2011
Headline: "Department for Jerusalem Affairs warns of systematic ethnic cleansing against Jerusalem residents and their elected officials" ???? "The PLO department for Jerusalem Affairs warned yesterday of the systematic ethnic cleansing which the Israeli occupation authorities are carrying out against the residents of Jerusalem and their elected officials. The department stated, in a press release: 'While the international community is calling to support our legitimate right to establish our independent state with Jerusalem as its capital on the borders of June 4, 1967, and following the historical and comprehensive address delivered by President Mahmoud Abbas to the UN in order to attain full members of the State of Palestine in the UN, the Israeli occupation authorities continue with their attacks on the residents of Jerusalem and their elected representatives, using the herds of settlers and zealots of the extremist Israeli right-wing, and incitement on the part of members of Knesset, in order to intimidate the Palestinian people? The list of organized crimes by the settlers and the repeated attacks carried out by herds of settlers against the mosques, and especially the Al-Aqsa Mosque, are part of a systematic and planned Israeli policy to Judaize the holy city?' [The department for Jerusalem affairs] emphasized that the kidnapping of MP Ahmad Atoun from opposite the protest tent at the Red Cross headquarters in Jerusalem, the deliberate running over of the boy Hassam Hamoudeh by herds of settlers in the Mount Scopus area, the continued activities of land theft and expansion of settlements? are simply a systematic policy to Judaize the land and to destroy the Palestinian presence in it." |

PA Parliament member: The "Israeli enemy" has policy of ?Judaizing Jerusalem and Sheikh Jarrah??
Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?Sept. 22, 2011
???? "The National Forces in the village of Hajja held a political gathering yesterday? during which the participants emphasized their support for the President [Abbas] and his appeal to the UN? Member of Parliament (Legislative Council) Najat Abu Bakr? noted the influential role of women in the next stage. She emphasized that this was a most sensitive stage, requiring of us much sacrifice and patience, and that one of the most important steps is a boycott of all Israeli goods, not only goods from settlements. She noted the nature of the Israeli enemy and its policy of Judaizing Jerusalem and Sheikh Jarrah (in East Jerusalem), as an example. [She also spoke about] its barbaric attacks on Palestinian territories, chopping down olive trees in the villages of southern Nablus and in Salfit, and the policy of [using] dogs trained to bite human flesh." |

Israel ?Judaizes? Jerusalem by expelling Jerusalemite residents?
Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?Aug. 22, 2011
Headline: "Dr. Zakariya Al-Agha calls upon both the Arab and the Islamic nation to aid Jerusalem and to protect Al-Aqsa [Mosque]" ???? "Dr. Zakariya Al-Agha, member of the PLO Executive Committee and head of the Refugee Department, called upon the Arab and Islamic nation? to support Jerusalem and to protect the Al-Aqsa Mosque from the plans of the Israeli occupation and its herds of settlers, which seek to destroy it in order to build their alleged Temple upon its ruins. Dr. Al-Agha said in an announcement yesterday, marking the 42nd anniversary of the burning of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, that Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque are in danger, and that the Israeli occupation government is acting covertly to destroy it, through a series of excavations and tunnels in proximity to it and under its foundations; it also aspires to Judaize Jerusalem by expelling its Jerusalemite residents and isolating it from its Arab surroundings? Dr. Al-Agha stated that the crime of setting fire to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, [perpetrated] by the extremist Jew Michael Dennis, on July 21, 1969, represents one of the foundations of the Israeli occupation strategy, as part of its racist plans to destroy the property of the Religious Trust and the Islamic and Christian religious heritage in Jerusalem, the eternal capital of Palestine. This is meant to erase the spiritual and religious bonds represented by these places, in anticipation of Judaizing them and distancing them from their Palestinian and Arab environment."Note: The fire in the Al-Aqsa Mosque in 1969 was started by a deranged Australian Christian, but the Palestinian Authority for years has attributed it to Israel. |

Official PA daily: Israel "still attempting to Judaize Arab Jerusalem"?
Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?Aug. 21, 2011
Headline: "At the hands of extremist Jew Michael Dennis ? today is 42nd anniversary of the Al-Aqsa Mosque being set on fire" ???? "August 21st every year is a sad anniversary for the Palestinian people and for the Arab and Islamic nations ? the anniversary of the Al-Aqsa Mosque being set on fire by the extremist Jew from Australia, Michael Dennis? This criminal act caused serious responses in the Islamic world, and demonstrations broke out everywhere. One of the ramifications of this crime was the establishment of the Islamic Conference Organization, to which all the Islamic countries belong? But the organization has not succeeded in stopping the activities of destruction and defilement of Al-Aqsa to this very day? From even before Al-Aqsa was set on fire, and until today, the Israeli authorities are trying via different ways and means to harm the Mosque, by excavating under it and building adjoining tunnels, which has led to the destruction of the Mosque's foundations at the Jerusalem Shrine (i.e., the Temple Mount). The Israeli authorities are still attempting to Judaize Arab Jerusalem, and are always trying to hide [from view] the Dome of the Rock, regarded by the world as the symbol of Arab Jerusalem, in a pitiful attempt to convince the world that Jerusalem is not Arabic but rather Jewish. Likewise, they continue to incite against Muslims, and no one can rule out the possibility that some new Jewish 'madman' will set fire to the Mosque again."Note: The fire in the Al-Aqsa Mosque in 1969 was started by a deranged Australian Christian, but the Palestinian Authority has attributed it to Israel for years. |

Israel continues "extensive Judaization operations" in the Old City?
WAFA news agency,?June 23, 2011
Headline: "Israel Continues Judaization of Jerusalem" ???? "Israeli Jerusalem municipality continues its extensive judaizing operations near Damascus Gate, one of the Old City?s most renowned gates, as well as in Sultan Suleiman street, adjacent to the Old City?s walls... The name of the historic Solomon?s Cave was changed to 'Yahu?s Cave' and Sultan Suleiman Street changed to Yahu Street, within the framework of judaizing the names of streets and monuments in occupied Jerusalem - removing their Arabic names and replacing them with Hebrew ones in order to negate the Palestinian heritage of the city. Israeli crews also removed many olive trees in the context of changing features of the area and giving it a Talmudic character according to plans made public by the Israeli municipality. The plans include the establishment of Talmudic parks in areas adjacent to the historical Wall of Jerusalem, where there is currently accelerated work near Herod's Gate, while renaming the Umayyad palaces south of Al-Aqsa mosque as 'The Temple Cleansers,' referring to the alleged temple that a large group of extremist Jewish organizations has sought to build in place of Al-Aqsa Mosque." |
Source: http://palwatch.org/main.aspx?fi=606&doc_id=7349
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